Mojotheapp is a microwork platform for remote workers, consultants and freelancers to work.
Microwork is a series of small tasks which together comprise a large unified project, and are completed by many people over the Internet. Microwork is considered the smallest unit of work in a virtual assembly line. It is most often used to describe tasks for which no efficient algorithm has been devised, and require human intelligence to complete reliably.
Mojotheapp is currently extending the variety for jobs for workers to complete and earn.
Mojotheapp is the first stage of Majime Ecosystem.
twitter : @mojotheapp
Mojotheapp adalah platform microwork untuk pekerja jarak jauh, konsultan dan pekerja lepas untuk bekerja.
Microwork adalah serangkaian tugas kecil yang bersama-sama terdiri dari proyek terpadu yang besar, dan diselesaikan oleh banyak orang melalui Internet. Microwork dianggap sebagai unit kerja terkecil dalam jalur perakitan virtual. Ini paling sering digunakan untuk menggambarkan tugas yang tidak ada algoritma yang efisien telah dirancang, dan membutuhkan kecerdasan manusia untuk menyelesaikannya dengan andal.
Mojotheapp saat ini memperluas variasi untuk pekerjaan bagi pekerja untuk menyelesaikan dan mendapatkan penghasilan.
Mojotheapp adalah tahap pertama Ekosistem Majime.
twitter: @mojotheapp
Mojotheapp is a microwork platform for remote workers, consultants and freelancers to work.
Microwork is a series of small tasks which together comprise a large unified project, and are completed by many people over the Internet. Microwork is considered the smallest unit of work in a virtual assembly line. It is most often used to describe tasks for which no efficient algorithm has been devised, and require human intelligence to complete reliably.
Mojotheapp is currently extending the variety for jobs for workers to complete and earn.
Mojotheapp is the first stage of Majime Ecosystem.
twitter : @mojotheapp